July 22 to Aug 11,
It was great having Meghan down for a visit for a few days.
She arrived on Tuesday, July 22 and left on the 25th. Went for a
ride with her on the trikes. Noticing a little glitch when I ride the trike.
The headrest is now installed. It is not really a headrest as my neck actually
rests on it. The problem being that when I flex the left leg it does not bend
far enough so my neck comes off the headrest and ‘bangs’ back down on it with
every pedal stroke. It is a…wait for it…a pain in the neck!
Think I need the Cerna kids to break up the scar tissue in
my knee like they did for Sensei Helene to increase the range. They say the
range you have after a couple of months is what you end up with. I need about
another 3 or 4 degrees, t’wil be a painful 3 or 4 degrees.
Getting up and walking more. Walked into the gym with Yonna
and walked between all the equipment and walked out as well. Got to the pool
and walked in to a standing ovation from all the ‘girls’. One of the girls said
it even brought a tear to her eye…awwww!
On Thursday July 25th, I explained to Stephanie
that my left arm is getting weaker. I have trouble combing my hair in the
morning. It gets a little better during the day but it is still weak and can’t
do things I could do 3 months ago. I was able at one time run the palm of my
hand over my head…can’t do that now. Stephanie is going to let me go back to
lifting on the right arm.
Meghan left on Friday and Myah was very happy to see her big
dog leave. While Ashlu is here Myah is beside me at all times. Although, when
somone comes to the door Myah starts barking which gets Ashlu going and he has
a very loud bark, just what we need, more barking.
Darcy came into the pool with Yonna and I on Wednesday to
get trained so she can take me to the pool when Yonna is away. Darcy she is
short, 5’2” and eyes of blue and we stay
close to the shallow end. Darcy took me to the pool by herself on Friday. It
all went very well although Darcy stays a little further away from me than
Yonna does…a little scarier! We did all the same workouts and stretches just
didn’t get stretched quite as far. Darcy was able to manhandle me and get me
back on the lift. She can’t pick me up and throw me around like Yonna does but
she gets me in the right position on the lift nonetheless. After the pool I got
on the trike and did 9.9 K. As usual I tighten up and my nose plugs up. I think
that if I keep moving around when my nose is plugged up it starts to clear
up…at least it happened once.
Did some more K’s on the trainer and my knee was a little
sore from being on the trike. Attended Bruce and Maggie’s ‘I Do’ party on
Saturday. They got married on Valentine’s Day and had the party on July 26. It
was good seeing all the karate guys and especially my ‘Dirt Belt Buddy’ Monica.
We were Brown Belts together and graded to Black together. She was here on
vacation from New Brunswick to be here for the I Do party. Had some problems at
the party. I was a little chilly, well actually got very cold. I did have long
pants on but it seems I needed a blanket as well. The whole body got very numb
in particular my legs and started to feel very uncomfortable. Couldn’t move
very well and I had to leave early. Perhaps that was a good thing as it rained
just after we left.
Disappointed as we were just about ready to start the performances…rugby
performances that is. Whitney, Monica’s sister is a rugby player in New
Brunswick and she was going to perform a ‘modern’ Rugby song and I was going to
do a ‘golden oldie’. I had to leave just as Whitney was about to begin.
On Sunday, we went out to meet the cyclist who were having a
breakfast break at Styles Restaurant in Delhi. My back was a little sore and
Darcy mentioned that I was a bit grumpy. I did do 55 minutes on the trainer
when I got home. Again Darcy tells me I am overdoing it. I guess she does have
to put up with me when my nose clogs up or when I need a quick trip into the
chair and out into the driveway. My philosophy is that you must continue to
improve which requires pushing the
limits. This means staying on the bike or trike longer and doing more mileage,
walking further, increasing the weight in the gym etc. When I got the trainer
in June 2012, I was doing 6 K in 30 minutes and now I am doing 12.6 K in 40
minutes. A little improvement perhaps not enough. The factor keeping me from
doing more is the tone of course. What I am finding now is that the tone is the
worst right after the workout and it lasts about the same regardless of how
long or how hard I work out. I think I had better clarify, tone is there all the
time. But after a workout it is particularly intense and that is when I need to
get out of the house almost like a panic attack but not quite the same. Must
learn to deal with the intense tone as it always does decrease after a
while...perhaps I don’t need the trips to the garage…just gotta learn to suck
it up.
The week of the 28th was different. As you have
been informed I have a BM every night at around 8 o’clock. Well on Sunday night,
I didn’t have one. Not a big deal you say…nobody has to go everyday. It seems I
do. Missed Sunday and a bout of diarrhea in the morning after my shower. Put on
Depends to go to Parkwood just in case there was an accident. Yonna and I
headed off to Parkwood only to be turned back at Dorchester by an incident…no
therapy. Got home, had lots of tone, didn’t feel hungry but force fed just to
have something in my stomach. Then it was onto the can for almost an hour and I
thought I got rid of all the bad stuff. Monday night almost a normal BM but
diarrhea again in the morning and again no therapy. Once everything settled
down Yonna came over for a stretch and we did some walking. I walked out onto the patio and sat on a real
chair. Can get down onto a chair but it is a little harder getting up. To stand
up I must lean far forward until my butt starts lifting off the chair and then
drive up with my legs. Even though everyone leans forward to stand for me it is
scary when there is no-one in front of me or nothing in front of me. I feel
like I am going to fall over. I got up with some assistance and walked into the
house. I’d like to walk into a restaurant but I wouldn’t be able to slide the
chair into the table.
Kelly got home on Wednesday at 2 AM and we all got up when
she arrived, including the dog. So good to see her. It’s been almost 2 years.
Her boyfriend Simon arrives on the 7th. Looking forward to that.
Although I won’t see him ‘til Saturday as they are going to Niagara Falls from
the airport.
Back to therapy on Thursday. First time there in a week.
Stephanie did her usual stretching and then it was off walking. Did 3 very good
walks with the quad cane and also with a walking stick. I sometimes have
trouble with the quad cane as I don’t always put all it’s 4 feet on the floor
and it’s tippy. The walking stick is longer and my hand is higher and I don’t
think I tighten up as much with the walking stick.
Darcy took me to the pool…yikes. I was a little concerned
with Darcy getting me on the lift both from the chair and also getting on the
chair the water. Happy to report both worked well. To get off the wheelchair, I
held onto Darcy’s hands and she pulls off the lift chair and sat down…piece of
cake! Getting on the lift chair in the water also worked well. Darcy was able
to push my butt back far enough to stay on the chair. Hmmmmm…now I just have to
train Darcy in the gym..lol! Oh yes, on Saturday I walked into Karate Class
with the transfer belt and Darcy helping me when I am not paying attention to
what my feet are doing.
How am I Feeling?
Getting excited about the walking as it seems to be
progressing. I’m thinking they may be terminating the physio at Parkwood. Just
a feeling I am getting from Stephanie. She asks where I want to be with the
walking, which implies there is an end point to therapy, go figure, I’ve been
there for about 18 month. I’d like to be able to walk with no assistance and
get around with just a cane or maybe no cane would be nice. I do not have much endurance yet for walking.
I get tired quite quickly. I can walk for about 75 m and then I need a rest.
Guess I need to practice more. Not used to having no endurance.
The tonal overflow as I keep harping on is the thing to
overcome. Something I’ll just have to live with. Same thing every time. Over
and above the tight back and ribs, about ½ hour after a workout my nose plugs
up. It is strange and lasts for a couple of hours. I can feel all the muscles
in my face tightening up and slowly all the sinuses start to close up just like
an allergy and the nose shuts down and that’s a pretty big thing to have my
nose stop working. The most aggravating is my mouth dries out from breathing
through it and I must take little sips of water every couple of minutes. The
benefits of working out far outweigh the side effects…so I should shut up about
it and put up with it.
Well, I just got back from Karate Class on Saturday and
after class I did a big walk around the hall. Felt good but I start to catch my
left toe when the leg gets tired and it was time to stop. After class we went to Tim’s for oatmeal and
coffee. Note: Wish they would have had the oatmeal when I was doing
Randonneuring rides…it would have hit the spot at 3 in the morning. Darcy had
to do some shopping, at the beer store. While waiting in the car, I started to
feel very strange. Muscles in my face, neck, ears and skull started to go numb.
My chest and trunk tightened up and I felt nauseous. This feeling lasted for
about an hour. Darcy even said I looked pale when she got back in the car.
Guess maybe I can’t ignore the tone. Another wash has just come over me and
everything tightened up again. Yikes I don’t like this very much. I need to
belly breath and when I’m toned it is difficult to talk. When I inhale to get
air to talk all the muscles tighten up so there is no muscle to exhale...and to
talk. This is the worst the tone has been…hmmm…perhaps the rushes were caffeine
related from drinking one cup at 8:30 and another at 11:00. Hopefully, it was
the caffeine and not the walking that got me all messed up…we’ll check that
out. The doctor also upped one of my meds that may be a factor as well.
The Randonneurs are getting ready to do a 1,200 K ride and I
must admit I do miss the cycling!
Thanks for listening…