On August 20, 2011 -- Glen Steen was in an unfortunate cycling accident which required immediate spinal cord surgery and has left him in a quadriplegic state. Glen is a warrior and because of his determined nature and dedication to therapy, he is making gains each day. Follow Glen on his journey here in his Blog, written in his own words.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

It's been a Year

Well I guess I’ll keep this format for a while…

Sunday Aug 12th:A rest day, for the most part. Spent most of the afternoon writing the blog, takes a little while to type, I use the Columbus system, first you discover the key then you land on it. Watched the closing ceremonies…the Brits did a great job. Did the usual routine in bed…that is exercise routine!

Monday Aug 13th: PT at  11:00 had me standing and I found it a little confusing as there was a Physio, a Physio Assistant and 4 students with most giving me direction…relax your hand, chest up, relax shoulders, tighten the gluts, tighten your left quad, straighten your left leg, put weight on your left leg etc.etc. Just a little confusing for the ol’ brain that is trying to think the signals through to the right parts. Don’t get me wrong the Physio is fantastic.  Felt very strange after PT, body is all tingly but, missed noon meds perhaps that was it.Don’t even want to go on the bike as it would tighten me up even more.

Tuesday Aug 14th:Good session with Yonna and Grandpa worked left arm and doing sit-ups and standing at the commode. Don’t get quite as straight as at PT as there aren’t enough people to keep my legs straight, bum tight, but I try.
Did ½ hour on the bike in the afternoon, first time at tension of 12 watched and the legs went around okay.

Wednesday Aug 15th: No physio as Laura was away, the nerve of her taking vacation, only had Occupational Therapy. Way back when, I signed up for 4 studies and one was the GRASP Study and it is to determine if the tool can predict how well hands will work after a SCI. I’ve done it at 3, 6, 9 months and 1 year after my injury…yikes the anniversary is coming up. The test is very simple, pouring water from a bottle into a jar, taking lids off 2 jars, putting a key in a lock and turning it, putting coins through a slot, screwing nuts on threads from ½ inch, 3/8 inch ¼ inch, 3/16 inch and then moving 9 small pegs from one side of a board to the other. I did better with the right than the last time but lefty still can’t do any of the tasks.
Still felt crappy, did only 15 minutes on the bike and couldn’t spin and the RPMs were way down. Really getting into the Curiosity Rover on Mars…absolutely amazing…I even opened a twitter account to get tweets from the rover. Interesting the conspiracy groups are already seeing UFOs in the pictures being sent back. It is going to be an interesting 2 years as Curiosity looks for past life on Mars.

Thursday Aug 16th:Went to Cultures for coffee with Darcy then to the Optometrist, Jonathon Arnel to get my glasses fixed. Then coffee in the afternoon with the guys. My trunk was really tight and the bike tightens it up more so I had an easy day.

Friday Aug 17thHad PT with Emily who I thought was a student but she is permanent fulltime PTA. Laura, was still on vacation and left instructions for Emily. She did very well and to boot she is from Tillsonburg and Yonna taught her in Grade 7 PhysEd. Felt great today came home and did 2x15 minutes on the bike and matched my best times. Guess it is just like everything, all days are good, some are just better than others, the legs and body just felt tight and tingly. The OT said it could be some nerves coming back to life…hope so.

Saturday Aug 18th:The Karate Club, Martial Arts Canada had summer camp where students get some seminars on Mai Thai kick boxing, Judo and Kubudo (weapons-Bo, Sai, Tonfa). The participants were broken into five teams and competed in ‘gladiator games’, a quad pull and some mind games. One accident occurred in the Judo seminar when Byron got his foot caught and ‘snapped’ his knee and broke a bone in his ankle. He will need Surgery to bolt the bones back together. Wish Byron a speedy recovery.

There was a fundraiser, an anonymous person donated a treadmill, and Minuteman Press in London printed the tickets free of charge. The tickets were distributed to the Karate Club members and the Silver Spokes Cycling Club.As mentioned on FaceBook thank you to all the sellers and buyers the $1209 will be used to replace the patio doors so I’ll be able to get into the back yard.

Some friends that I played Rugby with a way back when in Brantford dropped into see me. The surprise was Russ Cairns, a Kiwi who was on a world tour in the 70’s and stopped in Brantford played some Rugby and stayed for about 12 years. For those who don’t know, rugby in New Zealand is like hockey here. The Harlequins Rugby Club had the Annual George Jones Memorial Golf Tournament and they also did some fundraising and I got a cheque for 300 bucks that will go towards the door. Thank you Quins! Oh yes, Russ mentioned that he still has a picture of my moon.

Sunday Aug 19th:A rest day. I hope all this tingly legs and body is nerves coming back to life. Don’t know if I should be taking pain meds or not. As mentioned before I dropped the hydromorphone from 15 a day down to 9 mg per day perhaps I should put it back up. I see the Physiatrist, Dr Potter in September; perhaps he can shed some light on this condition.

Monday Aug 20th:This is the anniversary of the fall, I’ll talk about that in How I Feel

PT with Janelle…did side lying with a bolster under my right side…had my left arm straight, Barry worked my left leg, a deep massage in my IT band…felt good when he stopped…need to break up the facia holding the muscles together…body still working as a block but the brain is ‘starting’ to differentiate the difference between my shoulders and my legs…my traps are big because I turn them on for everything I do

Tuesday Aug 21stYonna came over and did her thing, stretching and getting me standing. Trying to get weight on left leg. Legs feel tingly as mentioned several times …no bike. Perhaps the tingly is the new norm.

Wednesday Aug 22nd:   Started off with a session in OT that loosened up my left arm which I really needed then to PT where they re-enforced the need for me to sit up straight 24-7. They never want to see me with my head down and my back not straight, must keep my chest up all the time… I’m trying, sitting here typing.  They also want my left arm away from my body so the brain gets the idea that my arm is actually an appendage and separate from the body. It is a lot of work trying to sit up straight all the time when you must think about every move and keep checking to make sure the arm hasnot  moved back to its original position beside my body.

Met with the psychiatrist today and everything seems to be going ok. She says I can start weaning off the sleeping pills. I take 15 mg of zopiclone (Imovane) and I am going to cut it back to 10 mg for a week or 2 and see what happens. She also mentioned that I shouldn’t be in ahurry to get off the pain meds as pain may lead to depression and I don’t that to happen. It’s back to 9 mg of hydromophone in the morning and 6 mg at night…don’t want anything to do with depression.

Thursday Aug 23rd:Yonna stretched my hammies and then I stood up without using my hand to pull myself up. I managed to stand by just using my legs and was able to balance without holding onto the chair…yeehaw….then I was able to stand for almost 2 minutes without any support and then sat down with no arm support…yeehaw again. It was by no means a perfect stand, the left knee was still bent, left heel wasn’t on the floor and the bum was sticking out a bit…the good things were my back was a little arched and my gluts, both left and right were turned on and I was standing unassisted…wooo hooo. Hey all this and it wasn’t even noon yet. I haven’t been able to repeat it, but I keep trying. Told the girls and they immediately put it on FaceBook. So much for old news.

Friday Aug 24th:Grandpa Bob and the Sarge drove me down to Pt. Rowan for a coffee with the guys from the cycling club. My friend Etienne was there…he did the same thing I did on the same trail about 150 yards from where I fell. He was looking good and is walking with a cane and was able to walk into the coffee shop on his own. Thanks to Ken for bringing him down.

Saturday Aug 25th:Went to my first Karate class in over a year. Just sat and watched as Sensei Linda put the class through their paces. I’d like to teach but I’ve always taught by leading, it will be a little difficult not to lead by example…guess I’ll have to figure that out. The inspiration is that Frank, 78 years old is still taking Karate. It seems that he has a little trouble remember his Kata and self-defenses and gets a little frustrated, but who cares…and then there is Godelieve who at 79, still rides with the cycling club.

How am I feeling?

A good feeling was standing unassisted, which I haven’t been able to repeat, close but not quite. Another good feeling was standing at PT, when Barry, a hard-assed PTA said ‘good job’ when I stood up. Ya know it’s hard not bonding with the OTs and the PTs as they do so much for you, then you remember it’s their job…but what the hell, I’m going to bond anyway!

First anniversary of the crash on Aug 20th…it’s seems a very short time ago yet, it seems very remote…things I remember the most…the 2 hours spent on the trail preparing to stay all night…being found…8 hours on a spine board…being in ICU for 5 days…then 20 more in acute care…the move to Parkwood…most of all I remember the support from friends…and how Darcy, Meghan and Kelly were always there…all my friends who came to see me…and have kept in touch…writing this blog…little did I know how therapeutic it would be...it seemed when I a first started writing it was a connection to the ‘outside’ world and probably said some silly things…going into depression...coming out of it…trying to figure out how I got there in the first place.

There are friends, whom I have not met that became very supportive, Marj who helped me through the bad time and JerryAnn who wrote notes about the blog and Meghan’s and Kelly’s notes to name a couple. Not going to start naming more names as the list would be 10 pages long. Then there was the fundraising by Martial Arts Canada, The Harlequins Rugby Club, Tour de Norfolk, Silver Spokes Cycling Club, several individuals and most recently the Karate Club with the draw on a treadmill that was donated anonymously and thanks to the printer…Minuteman Printing in London…who did the tickets for nothing, and Sensei John who put it all together…humbling indeed!

Meghan and Kelly probably said it best on Facebook on Aug 20th.
copied from Facebook:

One Year ago today, my dad was riding his bike, as he loves to do, when something unimaginable happened.  He fell of his bike. A stick got caught in his spoke and stopped him in dead in his tracks, he flew over his handle bars and landed on his head, a stick, so small, yet life changing…. 
He lay on the trail unable to move.  My dad suffered a spinal cord injury. Instantly his life was changed, and so was our family’s.  But, in true Steen style, a style learned from my mom and dad both, we have marched through this crazy year, tough times and rough times, we have seen trial upon trial, only to see that perseverance and dedication really, truly pays off. 
Good things don’t come easy, progress doesn’t come easy.  My dad has worked his a$$ off, every single day.  He gets up and keeps on getting up when most would say screw it, and when he felt like saying screw it because there were some tough days, really tough days, my mom was there saying don’t you dare… you get up and get going, and when she felt like saying screw it, friends were there saying don’t you dare…keep going.  And although we are only a year into this long journey, we have only just begun; learning, growing, and becoming stronger. Day by day, inch, by inch.  Dad remember

because after this year you have turned all of those problems into opportunities, opportunities to grow, to teach, to adapt, and to learn.   That’s what you always taught me, So make sure you remember that.

This past year was a year where I learned how important it is to have good friends, because my dad has some pretty amazing friends.  And all I can say is THANK YOU, to everyone!
                                               Keep growing dad,
                                               And we will ALL
                                               Grow with you.

Love you, Mom, Dad, and Kelly.
~Meghan Steen                                               


I’d like to say to Marj, stay strong as you possibly can, thinking about you always. 

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