On August 20, 2011 -- Glen Steen was in an unfortunate cycling accident which required immediate spinal cord surgery and has left him in a quadriplegic state. Glen is a warrior and because of his determined nature and dedication to therapy, he is making gains each day. Follow Glen on his journey here in his Blog, written in his own words.

Monday, 11 February 2013

Jan 28 to Feb 10, 2013

Jan 28 to Feb 10
Mon Jan 28th: First day of the Locomotor Program. First ½ hour was an assessment of the ol’ body of what was workin’ and what’s not. Had more strength in my left leg than Janelle (the examing physio) thought I would have. Right leg was good. Then they got me in a walker and I actually walk for 55 feet before the left hip got tired….yeehaw! Then it was on to the treadmill for more assessment. They were figuring out how much weight to take off and how fast to run the treadmill. It ended up that they take 40% off. They claim I weigh 102 kg …now that is very scary. That is the most I have ever weighed…yikes! I have the same appetite but don’t burn any of it off.

I should clarify walking. I was using a high-boy walker that has arms at about my chest level with a physio on either side and one in front.. My arms were resting on the walker that helped take some weight off my legs. I must think about every step. Tell my legs to lift up to bring the back leg up. The left foot wants to move to the right and step on my right foot. Must tell the left foot to stay out to the left. The ol’ brain just doesn’t remember how to tell my legs how to walk so I have to tell it what to do. The Locomotor Program is to build those neurological pathways again. I have been told that I have all the trunk muscles to stand, just must learn how to turn  them on at the right time.

Legs didn’t feel too bad after the workout. It must be that I am in the sling and that supports my torso and there doesn’t seem to be as much tone as there is from riding the bike. The legs are a bit tingly, but that was the most work they have done for a while.

Tues Jan 29th: Had not a bad night’s sleep but woke up 3 times for a pee. I usually don’t drink a lot. I am finding that after I work out my nose plugs up for 2 or 3 hours and I have to breathe through my mouth which dries it out...thus I drink more…go figure. It’s good to keep me hydrated.

Today was the first real session on the treadmill. My legs are a bit tired from yesterday but seemed ok for the first 5 minutes. I have drop foot on my left leg. I can’t lift my toes up very well so they sometimes get caught when I bring my foot through. I thought I was doing it correctly by telling my legs to lift up to move my leg through but I can’t lift my toe high enough to land on my heel. They had me doing 5 minutes then some posture correcting and then another 5 minutes and then a rest do it all over again. I was only able to do 3 minutes in the next set. My left leg got too tired to lift up. Janelle then explained that I shouldn’t be lifting my leg but concentrate on standing on my legs and they would move my legs through. I did it on the next set and it was so much easier, in fact I lasted for 6 minutes. After the treadmill it was on the mat for some stretching and posture correction. Since my left side is weak I now have scoliosis, a curvature of the spine. It is ‘C’ shaped. We did some stretching and they hope that I will be able to straighten it out with proper posture.
My left side is weak; I sit on my left cheek instead of sitting on both sits bones. It is interesting how Janelle checks it. I sit on the table and she puts her hands under my butt. Since I sit on my left cheek my back twists to compensate…thus the ‘C’ shape back bone. I sit on a Roho air cushion that does not give my butt any support and I can’t sit properly in it. I need to get a foam seat cushion so I can sit straight. It is amazing how the body works, it will adapt to what it’s given. Hopefully  I‘ll be able to make it adapt  the other…hmmmmm…18 months to get it this way…how long to get it back
Wed Jan 30th: A rest day. Had coffee with The Sarge and Vern at McD’s. Best coffee around. Then in the pool with Yonna  for an hour of stretching.  The pool was busy and it appears that I have a lot more  girlfriends now. I met an old friend in the pool. In 2004 I was a member of the Long Point Biosphere Executive. To raise awareness of the Biosphere we decided to have a race from Erie PA to Long Point. Paula was going to swim the 26 miles from Erie to Long Point and I was going to ride around the lake from Erie to Long Point.. Since we couldn’t really race we decided to predict our times and the one closest would get a Creemore beer. I predicted I’d ride the 713 kilometers in 30 hours, I made it 33 and won the beer. Paula’s swim was stopped due to high waves as the lead boat couldn’t handle the waves at such a slow speed. It was a great ride with Sensei John and The Sarge pacing me on the bike and other members of the Karate club in the vans. The cycling club met me in St. Thomas and rode me into Long Point. If I can find it, I’ll post Sensei Mike’s humorous account of the ride. 

Had a massage at 2 and did 15 minutes on the bike to keep the legs going around. The bike also helps to keep my knee flexing.

Thurs Jan 31st: Another hour on the treadmill. Seems I forgot everything I learned yesterday. Had difficulty getting standing tall on my legs with each step…thought I had that down pat…but the ol’ brain forgets very quickly, it seems. By the end of the hour I was getting it back. The last ½ hour was on the mat and they worked hard on the curvature in my lower back and getting up into standing position. At home when I stand, I hang onto the back of the commode or the side rail on the bed and pull to get started to stand. That is a big no,no…I am supposed to keep my arms out and use only my legs to get up.  The legs are getting stronger and I can get up without pulling if I put the bed up higher. The goal is to be able to get off seat that is 14.5 inches high as that is the height of the seat on the trike. 

Fri Feb 1st: Interesting morning. Darcy let the dog out and there was a bird lying on its back with its feet up in the air. Darcy thought it was dead but then its eyes blinked. She pick it up nd brought it into the house. She put a towel in the dryer to warm it up then put the towel and the bird in a box. I was having breakfast and the PSW, asked if I wanted to see the bird. She brought the box over thinking the bird was still comatose, she opened the box and the bird flew out into the window and onto the floor. Darcy went to get a towel but when she got back the bird had disappeared. The next 10 minutes was spent hunting for the bird. It was finally found in a bowl on the counter. Captured at last and put back into the box. While Darcy was having a shower the bird was pecking and scratching the inside of the box. It was time for the great escape. Darcy took the box outside and took the lid off…it immediately flew off into the trees and was gone. Never even said thank-you.   Don’t know what kind of bird it was. Was grey with a black head and a white breast with a long thin beak. How it got on  the patio don’t know. It could have flown into the patio door and knocked itself out…we’ll never know.

Off to London for another hour on the treadmill. I didn’t do any riding yesterday to see if I would have a better time on the treadmill. It was better than yesterday. The physios didn’t have to work as hard moving my feet. I did several 5 minute sets, several at 2 mph and 1 at .8 0mph. The slow walk gets me doing a lot of the work.

It’s kinda neat as everyday there are 2 students helping out. They have all been trained on the treadmill. When I get tired I don’t lift my left leg and my toe catches on the tread as I have drop foot and can’t lift the toes up very well. It hurts a bit when the toes go bouncing across the treadmill. It is a learning curve. Gotta pay attention all the time particularly when I am tired. Must think every step through…keeping head up, gluts on, toes up, land on my heal, arms and shoulders relaxed…
Sat Feb 2nd: Sally came early today. I was able to make class on time. It was a good class Sensei John had them working hard. Frank was there, the only 79 year old who can do 80 push-ups. If inspire you to train I  don’t know what will. 

Janelle suggested that I take it easy on the weekend and just do some sit to stands. No biking as that tightens me up. It is strange that walking on the treadmill doesn’t seem to do it as much. The only real difference is I  am in a sling that is tied on very tight. Perhaps if I wore something tight around my trunk on the bike,it may help…we’ll see.         

Sun Feb 3rd: It is take it easy Sunday. Went to Karate class at 10. Then out for a coffee with the guys. We had an accident with the chair lift in the garage. Left the car door open and tried to lift the car up. It bent some of the bars on the ramp. The tracking wheel that keeps the lift running straight doesn’t track properly. We had Action Medical in Woostock come twice and it still wasn’t. A former employee at Action came on Sunday and fixed it. 

Went for a coffee with Grandpa Bob and the Sarge. Heard all about Grandpa’s 6 weeks in Florida, where his wife Shirley kicked his butt in tennis.

Mon Feb 4th:  I was extremely tight when I woke up. I usually can get up and sit on the side of the bed…today I couldn’t. Had OT at 11 and they spent most of the time stretching out my back. Then it was off to PT. Janelle notice that I was very tight and did some stretches.  Got into the sling which is always  interesting  as Barry cinches it up very tight, particularly the straps that go through the groin as they need to be very tight to hold me up.

The treadmill went ok but the last 5 minutes was cut short as I got tired and wasn’t walking properly.  After the treadmill it was onto the mat for more stretching. Then some sit to stands. I was standing and pivoting to get into the wheel chair and the Sarge asked if I could do that getting in and out of the car. The reply was ‘absolutely’ and the more you use your legs the better.   

Tues Feb 5th: On the treadmill again. I went to Hamilton first to see the urologist. He’s checkin’ the ol’ prostate. My PSA has gone up from the baseline before the accident. It is not a problem if it goes up by .5 mcg a year but mine has gone up by .7 mcg. He thinks I may have an infection so I am on anti-b’s for 3 weeks. If it does not come down, it is biopsy time…yikes! Let’s hope it comes down.

I wasn’t any good in the treadmill. I couldn’t stand on my left leg. It might have been the 21/2 hours in the car. They stopped me early as I was hanging in the harness. When I don’t stand on the left leg there is no room for my right to come through. I have to work on relaxing my arms. As  the legs start moving, the arms tighten up. That is the wrong pathway to be building. At this point in time I am not able to shut the arms off or relax my trunk.

Wed Feb 6th: A rest day. Went for coffee with Grandpa Bob and had the Wednesday massage from Jenene. She worked on my quads and arms. Did some exercises in bed and had an hour nap and tried to relax the arms and trunk. All my getting in and out of the chair at home and getting in and out of the car are all stands and pivots no more slider board. Just keep using the legs to build strength.

Thurs Feb 7th:  Had PT on the treadmill again. Got the ultimatum from Janelle today. If I  don’t start walking with my tail tucked in they will let me walk with my bum out like you see a lot of seniors doing with their walkers. I don’t want that. I will start to sit up straight while typing this blog. Janelle suggested I change the seat cushion in my chair to a foam one. I’ll be taking it to Parkwood tomorrow to make sure I am sitting correctly. 

I am sitting on the cushion now and trying to sit straight with my pelvis in the right position. Keeping the left side of my body straight.  It is hard to do.

Had a great thing happen today.  A ladies gym in town, Cardio Plus had a program where the participants had to do so many workouts and if they missed they had to put 2 bucks in the jar. They raised… wait for… $1035…and gave Darcy a pedicure…thank you. That money will go towards the Locomotor program. Thank-you Mandy and all those ladies at Cardio Plus who missed their workouts. Oh yes, I did instruct Mandy when she took Karate at Martial Arts Canada. She remembered me as that sweaty guy….lol! Now I remember Mandy in Pt. Burwell classes…doh!  More about donations in How I am Feeling.

Fri  Feb 8th: Due to the snow storm, all therapy was cancelled today. Had an interesting night last night. I have bowel care every night at 8:00 and I have always had a BM everyday…I know too much info. The PSW said you can go 3 days without a BM…I can’t. Nothing happened and I went to bed, uncomfortable as I was. As mentioned I am taking antibiotics for a potential prostate infection. Well, anti-b’s cause diarrhea. At 1:30 it started and I got Darcy up, onto the commode but not quite quick enough. Its great having a shower in a commode with a shower wand...ye know I do think a bidet would really work…lol!

Then again at 6:30, before the PSW arrived. False alarm as it was all gas. Anit-b’s are a problem as they bind with calcium etc. so you can’t take them with milk and must wait 6 hours after anything containing milk. Note: I have cereal in the morning with a tablespoon of hemp hearts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, Bran Buds, and ground Flax seed. This morning I had poached eggs and toast which I’ll be having for the next 3 weeks so I can take the anti-b in the morning instead of lunch…ooopps forgot to take the vitamin pill out. 
Did ½ hour on the bike. Legs felt tingly so I only did an easy spin. Don’t know what’s the matter with the legs, they just were different.

Sat Feb 9th: Another interesting night. No BM at 8 but I felt a lot different than last night, not as uncomfortable. Then at 4 o’clock I called Darcy and off to the can. The good news is I didn’t need a suppository, the bad news is it was at 4 am. Couldn’t get back to sleep so I did the exercise routine.
Karate class was very good. Got to sit in front of the class and give some instruction…felt good.
Sun Feb 10th: Karate class in the morning. Sunday became a rest day getting as loose as possible for the treadmill tomorrow.

How I am Feeling?                  
Just need to go back every once in a while to thank the people and the organizations that made this all possible. There have been many private donation helped me pay for the Locomotor Program. Donations from organizations, Martial Arts Canada, Harlequins Rugby Club, Silver Spokes Cycling Club, Tour de Norfolk, ASPHIO, Public Health Inspectors were used to defer some the costs for renovations, equipment such as the manual wheelchair and 25% of the power chair, the lift in the garage that I use to get in and out of the house every day…thank you all.  Darcy and I would not have been able to do it without going into a great deal of debt….again thank you all.        

I am trying out a new cushion. It is harder foam which gives my pelvis more support. Janelle wants me to have a stable pelvis and everything else will follow. The Roho cushion is air and it helps prevent butt sores but lacks support to keep my hips stable. I used the foam pillow all day Friday and th0e back and trunk got very tight. Perhaps I should have gotten off it a couple of times to give the butt a rest. On Saturday I switched it a couple of times and that seemed to work better.

I seem to be whining a lot about being tight. Only doing that because it affects my performance on the treadmill. It seems that I was better on the first day. I am very pleased with the direction I am heading but as usual I want it to go faster. When I try to walk overland, I go too fast. I don’t stand on each leg, the hip can’t hold me up and the bum comes out. There is an article in MacLean’s Magazine about a soldier in Afghanistan that was hit in the head with an axe. He has to think everything through as well. They found when he visualized things happening, his brain made those connections. I don’t know why but for some reason I have a bit of trouble visualizing walking. I’ll keep working on it.         

Thanks for listening….

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