On August 20, 2011 -- Glen Steen was in an unfortunate cycling accident which required immediate spinal cord surgery and has left him in a quadriplegic state. Glen is a warrior and because of his determined nature and dedication to therapy, he is making gains each day. Follow Glen on his journey here in his Blog, written in his own words.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

June 3rd to June 16th 2013

June 3 to June 16, 2013

Monday June 3rd:  Therapy in the morning. Becoming a routine…stretch for 40 minutes, then as many walks around the gym as we can get in by 11 o’clock.

The plan had been to do therapy in the morning, lift weights in the afternoon and a trike ride at night for Godelieve’s 80th Birthday Party in Delhi after the cycling clubs Monday night ride. In the light of not ‘overdoing it,’ Darcy convinced me not to go to the gym. Grandpa came over and put the trike rack on and loaded up the trike. Got to the Belgian Hall in Delhi at about 5:30  and got onto the trike. There were  40 riders out and many new ones. Haven’t been around the cycling club for a couple of years and there are so many new riders that I don’t know. The learn to ride program seems to be working getting new riders for the club.

The group was big enough to break into 2. First group left and I left in between the groups. Didn’t take long for the second group to go by. Told Darcy that I wouldn’t ‘over do it’ and that I’d go 5 k. I did just 5 k. Grandpa and Ken stayed with me. It felt good to be riding with them again. There were a couple of hills on the route and I was able to shift down low enough to get up the short steep one over the railway tracks and up the 200 m one as well. I was a little concerned if I could get up the hills but if I’m in the right gear it works ok. Still have another chainring to go on the front. 

The tone set in right away as the ribs got tight and both hands tightened up. The brake is on the right hand and I must remember to keep my index finger on the brake. My hand is too stiff to be able to squeeze the brake without the finger on it. I was riding at about 12 kph on the flats and got up to about 20 kph on the downhills. Put the brakes on going down the long hill. Don’t trust my bike handling skills to be going 40 kph…at least not yet. Was able to go about 5 kph on the uphills. Got back to the hall and the muscle tone was setting in. It was hard to breathe on the uphills as the rib cage was so tight it wouldn’t expand enough to take a big breathe…or talk. Going to have to work something out for the hills.

It was time to get off the trike. Needed something to hang onto to get off the seat. Pull the trike up to an old steel fire escape where I could hang on. Got my left foot caught under the stair and I couldn’t move forward or backwards and we were stuck. Couldn’t move forward or backward. Darcy suggested that we take my foot out of the pedal and it work. Ken hadn’t seen me for a few months and he was impressed with how much more mobile I was. Guess that is something I don’t see as the changes are so slow.

Tuesday June 4th: Off to therapy with a lot of muscle tone in my back and legs. Don’t know if I can walk. Got some good stretching in and did a bunch of sit to stands and then did some walking. First lap went fine. Started the second lap and about ¼ of the way around the left leg was too pooped to participate. The tone prevents me from walking properly as I can’t selectively turn muscles on and off. Since the muscles are on I can’t recruit them to walk. Try it…tighten up all the muscles in your legs and take a few steps. Then tighten the back muscles and walk again.

Wednesday June 5th: Off to the gym with Yonna and Bob. Bob is a friend from New Jersey who I met a few years ago when he was riding from New Jersey to Los Angeles. He has been coming for a visit every year. Thanks to Yonna and Steve for billeting him for3 days. Did a good weight routine and got lots of work done on lefty. Yonna got it into positions it hadn’t been in for a long time. The weights are definitely making my legs stronger but with a cost of tonal overflow. 

Interesting when we got to the gym, Yonna helped me walk in. Instead of going in the members door we went in the staff entrance as it is a little shorter walk, not knowing that the alarm isn’t shut off until the manager arrives at 9 o’clock. We had to listen to it for about 5 minutes.

After weights it was off to the pool for some relaxing and stretching. It was a little hard to relax as the water was quite cold, probably around 80 when usually it is 87 to 89 degrees F. We did some water running in the deep end. That feels good but it indicates that the left hamstring is too weak to bend the left knee very far.

Thursday June 6th: Woke up with lots of muscle tone. All muscles are affected including my bladder. It is becoming more difficult to start peeing. Must be careful with that as I don’t want to go back to using catheters.
Stephanie and Quin a physio student stretched me for about 50 minutes at therapy. They got me into prone lying but instead of having my face in a face toilet, they had my face hanging over the edge of the matt. No claustrophobia with that set up. They were trying to get me to turn on my left glut independently of the right. I can’t do it. To walk, I need to selectively turn the glut on and off. Eventually I got into a position where I could just turn on the left side…yeehaw…but it very hard if not impossible to get into that position by myself.
A fear that I am starting to have is that exercise, weights, cycling, walking may cause muscle tone. I am now sure that it does. Stephanie doesn’t want me to do any exercise including weights and riding the bike for a week. All I can do is go to the pool and do some relaxing and stretching.

Friday June 7th: Once again I learn the value of the meds I am taking. Missed my bedtime pills and woke up at about 4 with every muscle in my body tight. Had a hard time breathing as the ribs were so tight it was hard to expand them. Even the tummy was tight making it hard to belly breathe. So today is the beginning of the rest period. Boring! Not used to sitting around doing nothing.

Saturday June 8th: Missed karate due to some diarrhea this morning. Now we know it’s not caused by exercise. Another boring day. Did some stretching and did some sit to stands. Even though I didn’t work out the legs are burny/tingly…not a nice feeling. In the morning I am very tight and have one or two spasms. Just thinking that I take baclofen at breakfast, lunch, dinner and at 10 o’clock at night. From 10 pm to 8 am the baclofen may wear off. I think I’ll try taking the baclofen at midnight. 

Not a good day…had to get out of the house a couple of times once to blow the stink off and once to get away from the burny/tingly stuff. Just a very crappy day…tomorrow will be better. Legs were very burny/tingly when I got into bed. Darcy said both legs and my feet were cold…must learn that burny/tingly is cold legs and not nerve pain…that is a relief.

Sunday June 9th: Hmmmm…crappy day turned into a crappy night. Had to get Darcy up at 2:30 AM to take me to the crapper. Alright after that. Hopefully getting to the crapper will be easier when I can walk to it when I need to.

Went to Karate with the Brown and Red belts. Sensei Calum gave an excellent basics class. Sitting in the chair watching I tightened up. Haven’t done any exercise since Thursday, ye’d think the tone would start easing off…but no…it seems to be spreading to my neck and head. It feels like I have an elastic band wrapped around my chin and over my head. My ears are also numb and my nose is stuffed up. There has to be something else going on that is causing the tone other than the exercise. My lower abdomen is always tight and burns at bit but I put that down to the tone in my lower abdomen. The tone is interfering a bit with my peeing as well. Perhaps it is time to get the bladder and the prostate checked out. I do have BPH but my PSA has been ok.   

Monday June 10th: Dr’s appointment to see about the bladder/prostate. Interesting method at the Drs. Office. You call to make a same day appointment. That way there is no waiting list. If the day is booked, call back tomorrow. 

Learned something about my thermostat. Mentioned that the legs and feet get burny/tingly, seems it is my response to having cold legs or feet. Got into bed last night and my legs from the knees down were burny/tingly. Darcy felt my legs and they were cold. Covered my legs and put warm socks on and the burny/tingly feeling went away. Not much science behind it but that’s my take on it. Could be easy to repeat the experiment.
Was very tight for physio today and Stephanie spent a lot of time stretching me out before walking. Walked with Stephanie on my left and with the cane on the right…did 3 laps. 

Wednesday June 12th: No physio…boring day. Got on the trainer for a ½ hour spin. Haven’t been on it for awhile. Don’t know if it was the rest that made it different but my legs felt very strange pedaling. They were burny/tingly while pedaling and felt weak. Least distance logged for long time. Ribs and back tightened up and stayed tight all night. My take is that, I need to do it regularly to see if I can tire the muscles out and the tone will subside…”we’ll see if that is the correct prognosis, Dr. Steen!”

Thursday June 13th: Very stiff, had to have the PSW help me sit up in the morning. Need to stretch out a lot in the morning. 

No therapy today. Still tight from the trainer yesterday. Taking the antibiotic twice a day. Do not notice any change in the muscle tone. For muscle tone, I take baclofen and nabalone. Nabalone is the pill form of synthetic Marijuana. Doesn’t seem to be working all that well.

Friday, Saturday, Sunday June 14th 15th  16th: The usual stuff, Saturday and Sunday Karate. The big think is the muscle tone. Sunday was not a good day. Muscles were so tight the ribs were hurting. I sat in the chair from 8 in the morning ‘til 7 o’clock at night and that could have something to do with it. Laying in bed does seem to relieve the tone a bit.

How am I Feeling?

Beginning to feel that this is how it’s going to be. If I exercise, I’ll have tonal overflow. That is beginning to sound like a broken record and you have heard enough of that. I start thinking long term and that gets me down a bit. Just have to take it one day at a time or hour by hour in some instances. I’m 21.5 months out from the accident and I have come a long way but this is when the doubts start to get in the way. When I talk to the physios and the Doc’s about the tonal overflow they all just nod and they can’t say if it will get any better. I get the impression that they think it is something I am going to have to live with…..grrrrr. They say, thanks to the Christopher Reeve Foundation that changes can occur as much as 5 years out from the accident. I’ll just keep riding and see if the tone stays the same or gets worse.
Thanks for listening…

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