On August 20, 2011 -- Glen Steen was in an unfortunate cycling accident which required immediate spinal cord surgery and has left him in a quadriplegic state. Glen is a warrior and because of his determined nature and dedication to therapy, he is making gains each day. Follow Glen on his journey here in his Blog, written in his own words.

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Jan 13 to Ja 26, 2014

Mon Jan 13th: Felt kinda crappy. Body was tight and I couldn’t do much all day.

Tues Jan 14th: No BM last night so up with Darcy at 4:45 and on the can ‘til  5:45 with very little to show for it. As you are aware the usual is I have diarrhea in the morning put Depends on and nothing happens. Normally I wouldn’t go to Parkwood but I took a chance and it was a good thing we did. Stephanie stretched me a bit on the mat and we did some sit-to-stands and she did a lot of work on my arms. When my arms are away from my body with my palms turned down on the bed and my left arm away from my body she had me doing kicks. Funny, I can’t kick both of my feet at the same time You know, sitting on a chair and kick you right foot forward and your left backwards, I can’t do that. When I kick both legs go in the same direction. Once all the  sitting was done  it was time to walk.
Got up with Stephanie holding the belt and me with the walking stick. I try to pick up the left foot so I don’t stub my toe as much. We did some work on the mat and did some stuff to keep my arms away from my body which seems to lower my tone. After that it was up walking. Walked I about 30 feet but since I am trying to lift my foot we rest as soon as I trip on my toe. Then up and side walking tot right for 20 feet then to the left. Another rest then up again only this time walking sideways without the walking stick. Believe it or not I was walking without a stick and with no one holding onto me. It was quite scary when I found out that Stephanie was holding on. Seems I do better without the walking stick as it takes my arm out of the equation.

Wed Jan 15th: Family Dr. order an Electromylogram (EMG) on my left arm in London. An EMG is a test that is used to record the electrical activity of muscles. When muscles are active, they produce an electrical current. This current is usually proportional to the level of the muscle activity. An EMG is also referred to as a myogram.

EMGs can be used to detect abnormal electrical activity of muscle that can occur in nerve damage to nerves in the arms and legs.

As I am experiencing unexplained muscle weakness in my right arm, EMG helps to distinguish between muscle conditions in which the problem begins in the muscle and muscle weakness due to nerve disorders. The EMG can also be used to detect true weakness, as opposed to weakness from reduced use because of pain or lack of motivation. EMGs can also be used to isolate the level of nerve irritation or injury.

The Dr. had requested the test on my left arm when actually the right arm was where the problem was. It was nice of them to test the right arm even though it wasn’t on the requisition.
The results showed there were no problems with any of the muscles. This leads me to believe that the problem is occurring further up in the nerves coming from my neck. I will be seeing the surgeon next Tuesday and he will look at the MRI  that I had in December that may shed some light on the problem.

Thurs Jan 16th: Well I have a new problem. I had a little red spot on the side of my thigh a week or so ago. It grew to about the size of a quarter and opened up and was really quite ugly. The area turns red and then opens up and there were a couple of other red areas and I was concerned that it was spreading. Of course, Dr Steen starts thinking it is the beginning of ‘Flesh Eating Disease’, woke up at 4 AM to worry about it. Tried to get a Dr appointment but he wasn’t in today. Decided to go the emerg to make sure they could stop it. I figured I’d get an emergency room Dr but they called my Dr office and he showed up. Took one look at it and said it was a Staph infection and I should put Fusidin on it and he gave me antibiotics, 4x500 mg a day for 7 days. Now that much anti-b may mess up my tummy but we’ll see. Good service at the hospital in by 2:45 out by 3:30.

Oh yes, therapy in the morning. Stephanie did her thing loosening me up and doing sit to stands. She had me put my good right foot on a 2 inch step and then stand up using mostly my left leg doing the work. That was a bit of a struggle. Got up and walked about 50 feet had a short rest and walked another 40 or so. A rest. Walked sideways to the right and then to the left and all this without a walking pole...a rest then a forward walk for

Fri Jan 7th: Darcy is cleaning out the closets and I have the double breasted suit that I was married in in 1973. In the pocket was a yellow rattail comb, Darcy’s charm bracelet and a tampon. I have no idea why the last item was there. As for the charm bracelet, Darcy thought the girls had lost it years ago. We found a shirt made by the Arrow Shirt company in Kitchener. I think they closed in the mid-seventies. Lots of neat stuff, 5 suits, 62 ties. Let me explain about the ties. When I played rugby I was the Captain of the Brantford Harlequins for 5 years, captain of the Niagara Rugby Union Rep team and Captain of the Ontario Rugby team and when we played touring teams or rep teams from other provinces we exchanged ties...I just kept them all, ‘til now...some of them were very ugly.

Sat Jan 18th: I was not feeling all that well. Think the antibiotics and the infection were catching up with me.  A lazy day, did some stretches and my normal routine before bed.

Sun Jan 19th: The usual Sunday but not feeling all that energetic but went for a coffee at McD’s. Haven’t felt like riding the bike for a while and that means I really am not feeling well. Haven’t been on the bike since Friday, Jan 10th...grrrrrrr!

Mon Jan 20th: Starting to feel better but not good enough to get on the bike. The quads are all toned up which makes it hard to walk. Went to the pool and did quite a bit of walking. If I could only take the same size of steps on land that I take in the water, I’d be walking around the crescent with the dog.

Tues Jan 21st: Off to Parkwood for a swim in the Parkwood pool. Stephanie was going to show us what to do in the pool or if what we are doing is ok. Got there at 11 as usual and then I remembered I was supposed to be there at 10. However, there had been a mix up and the pool was double booked at 10 and we couldn’t go in at 11. Did the usual stretching and did some walking. When I walk for a short distance, a knife gets stuck into the lower left side of my back and that becomes the show stopper. Did 3 walks of 15 m and then on the fourth, Stephanie took my walking stick away. Walked about 15 m with no aid, that’s all by myself with Darcy hanging onto the belt....yeehaw. Seems with no stick in my right hand it relaxes a bit, nothing to squeeze the life out of.

Another problem is the left ankle. The ankle won’t bend and it is difficult to pick up the toe. I can’t speed up the walk as I must make sure I don’t trip on the toe. The weak left leg doesn’t help either. When the leg gets tired it is very hard to pick up the foot to take the step.

Interesting situation at home with the hydro. We have been connected to the neighbours for a month now and they finally started to trench in the new line. Didn’t realize how deep they went with the trench. They had a tough time digging through the frost. The furnace started making funny noises and every time it came on the lights would go brighter for about 30 second and then flicker for a few minutes. I lost the internet connection as the modem had gone dead. Darcy checked the surge protecting powerbar and it was burned out. She replaced the bar and the  modem came back to life. The TV also started acting strange. Every time the furnace came on the TV would go off and then come back on. We called The PUC and they came out and checked it out but they said everything was ok. They did mention that we had half our normal power which could explain why the furnace fan had trouble getting started.  

Wed Jan 22nd: Woke up in the morning with severe spasms. When I moved, my legs would seize up and feel like they were cramped up. They would go straight and all the muscles would tighten up, very uncomfortable. Felt a little nauseous but put that to the 500 mg of antibiotic I took at 7 o’clock.
The PUC was working in the backyard again and the furnace was still not working properly. We turned the thermostat down on the furnace and turned up the one for the gas fireplace. That means the rest of the house gets cold. They said the power would be back to normal in the afternoon.
Time to go swimming at 11. Got ready to go and the lift in the garage wouldn’t work. I really wanted to go. Parked the chair and with some assistance, I walked down the 3 steps and walked to the car. Had a good session in the pool and Rosa once again worked my left hand.

Now how to get into the house. We parked the chair at the top of the steps and with some assistance. Karen on one side and Darcy on the other, I climbed the steps and got into the chair.
I haven’t been on the bike for over a week so I did a short easy 15 minute spin. Remember all those spasms this morning. We found out why. My Tuesday night pills were still on the table. I can’t imagine going any length of time without the antispasmodic meds. It wouldn’t take long and I’d be one big knot. Going to stay up and watch19 year old Canadian, Eugenie Bouchard in the semifinals of the Australian open...go Genie go! Grrr...she lost in straight sets to Li Na who went on to win the tournament. As the announcer, Chris Everet, said as Genie walked off the court, “There goes the futre of Women’s tennis!”

Thurs Jan 23rd: A little tirued from watching tennis but some of the tone seems to have gone away. I consulted Dr. Steen and he figures I may have had a bladder or a prostate infection and the anti-b got rid of it thus reduced tone.

Felt good when I got to Parkwood. Stephanie stretched my legs and back. I don’t know how she does it but it feels great. I asked her to come to Tillsonburg 3 times a week and I’d pay her mileage, but she declined. After stretching, it was walking time. Did 4 walks of 15 m each with one walking pole and Darcy hanging onto the belt, just in case. Had a little rest between each. Did 2 walks sideways, left and right with no pole. Stephanie didn’t give the pole back and I did 2x10 m without it. Since I did the stairs at home Stephanie took me to the flight of 5 steps and I went up and down 3 times, a physio in front and a physio behind holding on to the loops in the belt. They don’t help unless I’m on the way down. A good day because the legs were tired but not too tired to do a 10 minute and a 5 minute session on the bike and only a couple of sit-to-stands before bed.

Fri Jan 24th: Damn nobody to take me to the gym.  I am not doing the things that got my legs strong in the first place, that is, biking and the gym. Last January I was doing 40 minute bike sessions regularly and even did an hour ride on the bike. Now I’m only doing 15 minutes total. Better be a slow build up or I’ll set myself back again.

Darcy took me to the pool and we did the normal work out but added some arm exercises with the foam barbell and dumbbells. It is quite interesting how hard it is to push them under water and it does give a good workout. I’ve started standing with my back against the wall and my heels as close to the wall as I can get and then arch my back as much as I can. I sit a lot so I am in flexed position which causes my spine to be in a ‘C’ shape. This means when I stand to walk I am in a bent forward position. I try to sit up straight when sitting at the computer but it is difficult, as everyone knows how hard it is not to slouch.

Sat Jan 25th: Holy snow. One of the few times the weatherman was right. Guess we are in for it for a couple of days. Must be bad, Karate class was canceled. It’s very good that my neighbor does plough the driveway. There was no way we were getting out of the house until it was ploughed. Seems global warming is causing the extremes in weather and we’ll have to put up with crazy conditions ‘til April.

Sun Jan 26th: A very quiet day with pinnacle of excitement being a coffee at McD’s with the Sarge. Had a call late Thursday evening from Dr. Fehlings’ Office, the neurosurgeon that did my neck. I had an MRI in December and perhaps that will shed some light on what is going on with my right arm. Seems he is very busy as the nurse stated that we had to guarantee that we would be there on Tuesday at 1:30. Darcy said ‘yes’, dependent on the weather. She wouldn’t accept that. We had to say we’d be there. Darcy spoke to the Sarge and he said he would drive us. Couldn’t ask for a better driver as he taught driving at the Police College for 2 years.

Not doing much painting, just playing around with practicing trees and clouds and other landscape stuff. Waiting for a couple of instruction books from Amazon.

How am I Feeling?
I am very concerned about my right arm, it is getting worse. Have difficulty shaving now. Since I don’t have as much control with it, I cut myself more often now. If I read the medicalese of the MRI, there may be some narrowing of the channel where the cord passes through at C4 and C5. Note that is my interpretation of the report.

I am also getting a little down about being a quadriplegic. I figured if I worked hard things would get better. That doesn’t seem to be happening. If I walk too much or bike too much I really suffer the next day or the next couple of days. Even if I sit too much there are problems. I haven’t found that middle of the road yet. If I don’t do anything it’s even worse as I start to lose everything. Perhaps some of this melancholy is the January blahs that I’ll just have to get over.   

I went and looked at these short video clips of me when I was in Toronto

  and I really have come a long way.
Thanks for listening...

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