On August 20, 2011 -- Glen Steen was in an unfortunate cycling accident which required immediate spinal cord surgery and has left him in a quadriplegic state. Glen is a warrior and because of his determined nature and dedication to therapy, he is making gains each day. Follow Glen on his journey here in his Blog, written in his own words.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Best made plans

Quick blog today. Best made plans, well the schedule for today was OT at 9:00 to teach me how to brush my own teeth to teach me how to brush my own teeth, hair cut at 9:30 and physio at 10:30. the nurses got very busy this morning and were un able to get me washed and dressed and into my wheel chair until 20 after 10 so i missed the hair cut and my tooth brush training. but i guess that is how it goes. physio was different today. as they strapped me to a big table and tilted me slowly up right, to about 25 degrees and then up to 40 degrees for a few more minutes. they physio said the maximum is about 60 or 65 degrees and then my head would start flopping forward. but it was really good to feel my right foot on the ground and i could actually push against the floor, it felt real good! left leg is a little different as the knee is bent more than usual but i could touch the floor with and push slightly with my toe. the real good news about my left knee is most of the swelling has gone down, it will never look normal but, it doesn't ache continuously or seem to get out of alignment today. it actually didn't keep me awake last night as i found a position where there was no pain. Which does two things which means i get a fairly good night sleep and i don't have to take so many pain pills. no pain pills from 10 pm last night until 11 this morning. I also got to pedal today in physio and was able to pedal to pedal for about 15 minutes on my own with no power assist. Had my maximum cadence today a wapping 52 rpm. I made more than 3 km today so....1194km to go. the physio doesn't tell me if i am going to get on the bike and when i ask they answer is if there is time, but she knows i like it so much she has got me on it the last 3 days in a row. she will be justly rewarded. This afternoon i should be getting my power wheel chair and we will see how it goes. My new remote for the TV worked well last night, what is a guy with out a remote. One little down turn, is i have a red spot developing on my coccyx (tail bone) which means i can't sleep on my back for as long as i would like to and i can't stay in my wheel chair as long as i would like to. when i am in my bed i need to remain on my right side as long as possible (this is to prevent a bed sore form forming there). we will see how that goes. looking forward to OT today at 3 o'clock and i will keep you posted how that is going. catch you later. note: i am sitting in the lounge and my OT just walked by with a power chair.....hopefully its mine. :o)

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