On August 20, 2011 -- Glen Steen was in an unfortunate cycling accident which required immediate spinal cord surgery and has left him in a quadriplegic state. Glen is a warrior and because of his determined nature and dedication to therapy, he is making gains each day. Follow Glen on his journey here in his Blog, written in his own words.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

new wheels

A new wheel chair, is really great. It’s amazing how independent it makes you feel just having that little toggle switch and allows you to move forward, right, left, backwards and spin around in circles, just that little bit of independence feels great.  The chair is a fairly big monster, as it not only does the above mentioned turns but it also lays back and sits up. To get a chair that was long enough for me, they had to get one that was a little bit wider, so even though it is much more comfortable than my previous chair, it still doesn’t really fit me….not complaining, not complaining. If and when I get a custom chair,  It will be designed to accommodate my height and my skinny ass.  So hopefully the custom chair if and when I get it will fit perfectly.  This chair belongs to Parkwood and the guy who had it before me had it all jazzed up, it had 4 forward drives, and one reverse and you can control the speed from turtle to rabbit, right now I can’t drive too smoothly, and I think it will come with more practice. 

I had to go to St. Joe’s today for an MRI on my knee. Yikes that damn tunnel of hell again.  The good thing is I only had to go in up to my chest.  Just to be on the safe side the doctor gave me some Ativan an hour before I left parkwood and then I got a small pill under my tongue about a half hour before I went into the machine, so I spent most of the 45 minutes with earphones on because they are very noisy doing Kata in my head.  The Ativan, really helped with the MRI and the trip to and from St. Joe’s, but it did cause a problem when I got back into the wheel chair, it wouldn’t go straight, and I did wipe out some tables and racks in my room.  So I took a short trip down to OT in my chair and back up to my lounge where I had my supper and headed back to bed. I sure would not recommend taking Ativan and driving a car I was a lot worse driver today while n Ativan then I was yesterday.  (Meghan adlib: He sounded like he had, had a few glasses of wine) So it’s early to be tonight.  Last night I stayed up quite late and didn’t take my sleeping pills until around midnight, as I wanted to watch the rugby game between Canada, and Japan, I did see Canada’s first try, and watched Japan immediately tie it up, I must have dosed off after that and didn’t wake up again until about 5:30.  I missed physio today because of the MRI but I had a good session in OT.  Due to the fact we had been messing around with the chair for the last couple of days I needed to catch up on some hand range of motion exercises, and I was able to do some triceps work with a pound and a half weight on my arm.

 I have to go now, time for bowel care, and my shower…. Talk to you tomorrow.

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