On August 20, 2011 -- Glen Steen was in an unfortunate cycling accident which required immediate spinal cord surgery and has left him in a quadriplegic state. Glen is a warrior and because of his determined nature and dedication to therapy, he is making gains each day. Follow Glen on his journey here in his Blog, written in his own words.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

more routine less rambling

Hi gang, meghan is still typing, on the new laptop but, we don't have Dragon set up yet. been away for a few days, as meghan has had a cold and has stayed away from the hospital. It has been interesting settling here at Parkwood (PW). saturday or sunday there is no physio or OT, so i rely on my friends and relatives to keep my parts moving. I have found that my brother in law Bud, has magic hands and gave both feet and my left knee and it felt soo gooood, "Bud come back!!!" so now for the real routine that I am settling into. I'll start at 8 o'clock in the morning, when breakfast arrives, and then I wait for a nurse to come in and feed me. and then I have my morning bath with a washcloth, sometimes with one nurse sometimes with two nurses and sometimes a nurse and an aid, how many of you can say get all moving and non moving parts washed by two nurses every morning. Then I get dressed usually into shorts and a t-shirt. and then i wait in bed until about 10:20 and then i get loaded in the wheelchair and head to physio. I get out of physio just before noon , just in time for lunch which i eat in my lounge over looking the gorgeous grounds here. then i go back to be or stay in my chair and wait for OT, which the time hasn't been set yet, but it is usually 2 or 3 oclock, and then its back to my room or i sometimes stay in my wheel chair and tour around here Darcy taking me where she wants. Supper comes at around 5 and i try to be in my chair and eat supper in the lounge again. then its back to bed, or every other night, i have bowel care and a shower. Then at 10 or 10:30 I get my sleeping pills and its off to sleep. and th whole routine starts again. Now for what is working and what is not working.
In Physio yesterday and today i got on a motoped, which is basically pedals they roll my wheelchair up to and strap my feet in and the cranks are very short, about 4 inches long. so I am able to do a complete pedal stroke, even with my bum knee. the machine says that i am doing 20 km an hour and i have been on it monday and tuesday for 20 minutes each and it has a screen that measures muscle tone and yesterday my maximum muscle tone was 22 and today it was 26 unfortunately, its a new machine and nobody yet knows what the muscle tone reading means. The machine power assists a bit and if i do need a rest while on the machine the machine will continue pedaling keeping my legs moving. pedaling backwards also feels good, so to stop the machine and reverse it, i just pull with my right foot and stop the pedals from moving, and the machine detects a spasm and changes direction. about 3 km so i only 1197 km to do in this 1200km.
In OT they are working on my left hand painful though it is the fingers are starting to move. They have given me splints for both of my right and left hands which i wear "or supposed to wear" 2 hours a day. they just keep my hands, my fingers at the proper angle, about 10 degree. I also have a big boot for my left foot that i wear 2 hours a day "supposed to" to keep my toes from dropping. good news is They set me up with a TV remote and i can run my TV...all by my self....yeehaaw! On monday they measured me for a new wheelchair, that is a power wheelchair, that is run by a toggle switch, so i am really looking forward to that as Darcy will no longer have to push me around, and i can pretty much have free rein of the building. although i won't be going to far by myself. I am really looking forward to a bit of freedom. Good news, for tomorrow physio said i may be strapped to a board and stood up vertically, to see if i can put any weight on my feet. So, i stand tomorrow for the first time in a month. :o)

1 comment:

  1. Good luck standing up today!!! Thinking of you. Lots of positive energy being sent your way from the East Coast.
